Welcome to the October 2019 inSight!

By Ariaen Zimmerman, Executive Director, Cargo iQ
It has been a successful couple of months for Cargo iQ with two exciting announcements.
First, WiseTech Global joined Cargo iQ and will provide independent freight forwarders with access to industry best practices, through its operational platform, CargoWise One.
CargoWise One users will be able to access Cargo iQ’s latest quality standards and processes from within the platform, once it is fully integrated, driving significant time savings and removing the need to facilitate Cargo iQ in a separate platform.
Second, existing member Singapore Airlines has successfully completed the external audit to retain its certification as an accredited member.
All full members are audited every three years to ensure they are aligned with Cargo iQ standards and specifications, and we are delighted that Singapore Airlines has passed the audit once again.
Moving on to events, during this past week, both myself and Laura Rodriguez, Manager Implementation and Quality at Cargo iQ, attended Air Cargo Americas in Miami, Florida.
As always, it was great to network with our members, colleagues, and friends during the three-day conference, and we also conducted the Cargo iQ Introductory Training during our week in Miami.
The next big event for Cargo iQ will be the Working Group next month in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where we will also run the third stage of the Q Rally.
For those that are attending, we are looking forward to working with you, and for our new members, don’t forget about the informative Implementation Session that will be held in the evening.
As always, if you have any questions, tips, or remarks about Cargo iQ, don’t hesitate to contact me at zimmermana@iata.org