Focus on Strategy

Cargo iQ has defined six strategic focal points, divided into two different themes: The Basics Addressing the industry basics, we aim to:
Make sure that there is a shared understanding of what was agreed about a shipment service and how that service was executed for every air cargo shipment from its origin to its final destination: One version of the truth, measured for 100% of the shipments, from end-to-end.
Make sure that Cargo iQ provides planning as well as control details for shipments that reflect the true operational process events that an air cargo shipment goes through: Off-sets and messaging that reflect reality.
Provide the industry with a standard and tool for service delivery management that is used by Cargo iQ members: Ensure use as actual Service Delivery Management tool for all members.
The Future To help our industry be ready for future opportunities, we have defined the following objectives:
The industry is not just offering one type of product. The services offered by our carriers, handlers, and forwarders differ in various, operationally relevant ways. They may, for instance, be flight specific, offer a faster availability at destination or are guaranteed to always move a shipment as one. Cargo iQ aims to recognize these different services and evaluate their delivery appropriately: Create and use Product Parameters (for example time defined).
The air cargo industry doesn’t merely execute shipment movements; sometimes shipments require specific care during their movement, as well. Cargo iQ aims to offer planning, control and evaluation tools for shipment care to offer a quality control tool in addition to the existing quality assurance programs: Care Mapping (e.g. for pharma or dangerous goods).
Cargo iQ is a membership organization encompassing the full air cargo industry, aimed at improving its customer experience through better quality management. That means we aim to be of value for all our members through helping them improve as well growing our membership: Develop the Membership.
In our inSight we will from now on highlight one of these focal points in every issue. In the next issue we will look at our initiatives to create One version of the truth, measured for 100% of the shipments, from end-to-end.