Letter from the Executive Director, Lothar Moehle
Welcome to our latest edition of inSight.
For the first time in two years, we were able to participate actively at the CNS partnership conference held in Phoenix, Arizona.
We have been able to schedule several meetings with our existing - and potential new members to provide updates about latest Cargo iQ activities.
The presentations and panel discussions have been insightful, and we certainly learned about the latest developments in the industry.
Once back home, there was quite some follow up work to be done and additional meetings to be scheduled with potential new members and/or even solution providers who might help our organization and our members to move to new exiting adventures.

While we were in Phoenix, we also held our first Advanced Cargo iQ Training course. The content based on a new curriculum, which the entire team under the leadership of Laura developed during the last few weeks.
The trainees have been very enthusiastic, and their active involvement made the session to be interactive and fun.
Another training was held on 17th June 2022 in Geneva, as we had many experts from our membership in town already to participate in the Cargo iQ Working Group session.
More Advanced training sessions will be scheduled throughout the year, for example 30th September 2022 in London, and in November in Abu Dhabi. Details on date and invitation will follow.
But we continue to offer virtual “Basic Training” during the course of the year, which will enable many of the SMEs of our members to learn some of the fundamentals of Cargo iQ, while being able to share best practices and have some insight from other stakeholders of our community.
For the period 16th to 19th June 2022, we organized our first ever hybrid Cargo iQ Working Group meetings held in Geneva. Those experts who had the chance to meet with us for the first time after more than two years did very much appreciate the opportunity to meet again in person, despite the challenges some of them faced due to the travel obstacles at some of the airports and/or airlines.

Combining the people in the room with those participating virtually brought on a different level of technical issues, but eventually our flexible and resilient community managed.
The sub-working groups on Smart Data, Exception Handling Procedures, ENCORE, Care Protocol, Audit, CDMP and combined IATA/Cargo iQ working group on data exchange, as well as the Forwarder, Airline, and GHA User Groups all met and worked on their respective agenda and priorities so intensely that many talks didn’t stop, even during the coffee and lunch breaks.
We look forward to continuing this enthusiasm over the next few months on some virtual meetings and converting concepts into reality. In the meanwhile, we wish everyone a wonderful summer (or winter) and hope that a well-deserved holiday is on the horizon.
Story edited by meantime.global